Why You Should Use Regulated Forex Brokers | Money Savvy

By boz On 2008年3月28日星期五 At 09:29




Why You Should Use Regulated Forex Brokers

Published by Author at 3:04 pm under Forex Trading

Are you interested in a career as a regulated Forex broker? Forex brokers work in the exciting world of foreign currency, making millions for their customers. They also earn plenty of money in commissions for themselves, betting on which countries’ exchange rates are going to rise and fall in the future.
Who Regulates Forex Brokers?
Because Forex brokers work around the world in different cities and countries, no single agency regulates all Forex brokers. Rather, brokers are regulated by the local brokerage regulation agency in their home countries. Thus, U.S. Forex brokers are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Forex brokers in Japan are regulated by the Financial Services Agency, while the Iraq Securities Commission regulates Forex brokers in Iraq.
What Rules Cover Forex Traders?
Trading on foreign exchanges is quite different than trading on Nasdaq or the NYSE. The National Futures Association makes rules for Forex trading. Most of the trades involve the major currencies: The American, Canadian, and Australian Dollars; The British Pound; the Euro; the Japanese Yen, and so forth.
National Futures Association
These regulations are set forth in the National Futures Association Retail Off Exchange Foreign Currency Rules. The Rules include information about dues and assessments, requirements for managing a Forex account, obligations of assignees, and a number of other situations that arise during the course of Forex trading.
The web site of the National Futures Association contains a wealth of information for the beginning regulated Forex broker or Forex investor. There you will find all the rules that govern Forex traders; Forex investor alerts; Forex reporting requirements; notices to Forex members, notices of decisions interpreting the Forex rules, and other resources for those who want to know more about Forex.
The site also provides links for electronic filings required to establish and maintain a Forex brokerage: promotional materials, Forex reporting, exemptions, complaints, and the annual questionnaire.
Beware Of Unregulated Brokers
Investors must be aware that Forex fraud is an increasingly pervasive problem. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission estimates that customers have lost over $395 million in fraudulent Forex schemes.
For More Information
If you want even more information about Forex than is found on the National Futures Association site, you can learn Forex trading by a self study program or by taking a course. Peter Bain at Forex Mentor provides one of the top rated Forex training programs around today.

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